
Gym Hair Care

Hair Care when working out at the gym

So you’ve finally started the workout regimen you’d been putting off for months. You’re thrilled that you’ve taken the first step into the world of health and fitness but you have absolutely no idea how to keep your hair fresh and clean without harming it with excessive shampooing. We have all the tips and tricks for you to stay firm with your new fit and active life without compromising your hygiene!

First of all, being fit and active is far too important to avoid because of any minor inconvenience; So don’t hold off on the sweat! When you hop into the shower after a great workout session, rinse your hair – just not always with shampoo. You can use conditioner every time you wash your hair but shampoo it merely twice a week or three times at most. Not only will that keep your hair from over-drying it will also hold on to the hair‘s natural oils.

Furthermore, don’t forget to take advantage of leave-in conditioners to keep your hair well nourished. Also, as part of your weekly or bi-monthly hair care regimen, it is recommended to use a steamer along with your favorite leave-in conditioner to lock in the moisture. Visiting a reputable hair salon, such as one of the best hair salons in Houston, Le Prof, will give you access to the best leave-in conditioners for your specific hair type along with their high-quality steamers.

Using hair styling accessories during your workouts isn’t only a fashion statement. Headbands are especially helpful in keeping your hair from touching the sweat on your face. Barrettes, pins, and clips are also great in keeping your hair pinned back. Also, it is highly recommended to tie your hair in a ponytail or roll it in a bun as you work out so that it isn’t in your way. Keeping a towel with you at all times at the gym can also help in minimizing the amount of sweat that reaches your hair.

The best way to take care of your hair and discuss its needs is to visit a hair salon with years of experience, such as one of the best hair salons in Houston, Le Prof. Their experienced hair stylists will examine your hair and recommend the best hair care regimen for your hair type. They will also give you great tips for keeping your hair healthy without giving up your active lifestyle.

Call us at (713) 255-4404 and make an appointment today to visit Le Prof Hair salon!

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